' Do Boat Operators Need a SharePoint Intranet? – Marine-electronics-unlimited.com

Do Boat Operators Need a SharePoint Intranet?

If you were to ask if boat operators could benefit from a SharePoint intranet, the simple answer is ‘yes’! The truth is that most boat companies that have even just a few employees will find having a SharePoint intranet beneficial.

Intranet Benefits

To find out more about what a SharePoint intranet is, take a look at https://www.omniaintranet.com/omnia/knowledge/blog/sharepoint-intranet/ where there is plenty of information on how it all works. Having a central location for the data that employees need on a daily basis will ensure that any company will run much more smoothly.

How a Boat Operator Can Benefit

If a company has several boats that may be offering cruises covering several days or even longer, then staff are going to be out of touch with each other while they are at sea, and it won’t be possible to set up meetings for all staff to attend while they are taking care of customers and guests. If there is something that staff will need to know while they are at sea, it can be added to the relevant intranet, and they can just catch up with it when they are free to do so.